The World Will Follow Joy by Alice Walker Book Review —Oluwaloseyi John
This is by far the best book of poetry I have read. Alice Walker captures the beauty of words as she tries to bring over her readers to see how much destruction and war and all that is evil about humanity now can be turned into something beautiful, serene, and peaceful. She made me see why we need to turn all our madness into flowers.
I love all her works but a few I appreciate quite well are, “A working Class hero,” It depicts how much a man can learn to do and still handle them with skillfullness and perfection. I also love “When you see water,” It show how a thing can be seen by many of its characteristics but it still remains what it really and truly is. And “Do you see what they have bought with it,” which also explain the futility of unjust gains and profit. Time will fail to talk about The Human Journey, or “In this You’re Wrong”, and “The world we want is us.”
In all, Alice Walker did a beauty work on her central theme which is restoring the mother earth to her original beauty. This is clearly painted in her poems, “Democratic womanism” and “Democratic Motherism.” The simplicity of her love for the Earth inspires me. This is a woman I’d gladly love to read more from or probably meet someday and bask in her wisdom.
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