Shoe Dog By Phil Knight Book Review — Daniel Izu
“The Cowards never started, and the weak die along the way. That leaves us”
This statement summarizes the book, Shoe Dog, a memoir by the visioneer and founder of Nike Inc., Phil Knight.
The book takes us through the journey of how the great company was birthed, nurtured, and tendered until it grew to the monster size shoe company we now know as Nike. It is an inspiring account on how hard and how easy it is to create something of lasting value. This book provides you with Nuggets on how to create a lasting brand.
Among the thrilling recount is how Phil and his team members were able to plan and grow consistently amidst all the troubles and challenges they went through. It is like finding oneself in a big pit, and instead of worrying about how you’ll get out, you care more about dinner. Absurd, but absolutely positive mindedness. This brings one lesson to heart; keep planning for growth no matter the situation you find yourself at the moment. According to Phil, “life is growth, you grow, or you die”. One should constantly make efforts to grow.
The book teaches great principles which include but not limited to
1. Confidence is paramount to growth. According to Phil Knight, “Confidence more than liquidity is what a man needs.” That is, you don’t need money as much as you need confidence, it takes a lot of confidence to build a great brand.
2. Always value great partnership. Nike Inc. thrived on great partnership, from the Japanese firm, to the banks, and most importantly, the partnership Phil enjoyed with Johnsons, Woodell, Hayes, Bowerman, and Penny. These are great partners who understood the essence of the company and fought through thick and thin on Phil’s side to keep the company afloat.
3. As an Entrepreneur you should know that the business world is like a warfare. Phil think it is a war without bullet, so you should approach every business deal, or negotiate as if you’re going into a war.
4. Building a brand is not a day thing, but a life time of an unending commitment, to do above what you’ve been known for. Unending commitment to evolve, and an unending commitment to beat personal best. When you keep striving to outdo yourself, you’ll inadvertently outdo the competitions.
5. You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you. In essence, you’re only as big as your competition, as those who work tirelessly to follow your trail.
6. Always Marry a Partner. It is only a partner that can be Penny. None else can.
This book is recommended for all entrepreneurs and everyone who’s striving to build something of a lasting value. Read a copy, and you will never remain again.
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